Sunday, December 16, 2012

The Accidental Shoplifters

I have always followed in my big sister's footsteps.  She taught me how to walk, talk, and share.  She was a lefty and so, even though I was a righty, I wrote with my left hand.  We shared the misery of chickenpox, mumps and 4 new schools in 5 years.

When she got her driver's license, she used to take our slightly younger sister and me shopping at F & M for some great deals.

While I know we are close, in age as well as other things I found how just how much we think and act alike when she told this story:

Seems she had her daughter at Target and was holding onto a tank top she intended to buy. She threw it over her shoulder to keep it out in the open while her daughter went into the dressing room to try on some new clothes.  And, she forgot it was there.  She walked all through the store with it on her shoulder and through the checkout.  Even the cashier didn't notice.

When she got outside, her daughter said, "Mom, are you going to buy that tank top?"  Back in they went to pay for the tank top.

This week, I had the same type of experience, twice.  I put a small item in the seat of the cart and forgot it was there when I was unloading the cart.  The beeping at the door, ignored by everyone anywhere near the door, alerted me to the fact that it was still sitting in the cart.  Thankfully I had only gone through the first door and not made it to the van yet.  So, I turned back in and paid for it.

The second incident occurred when the kids and I were shopping for outfits to give to needy kids this Christmas.  Number two son put an outfit together to show me.  Unfortunately, I didn't think to ask if the belt was already on the pants or if it came separate until we were home and I was wrapping the gifts.

Off to my favorite store, again, tomorrow to paid for said shoplifted belt.  On the upside, I have to print our Christmas photo so I was going to be there anyway.

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