Sunday, August 10, 2014

My Weekend

I asked my dear one to please take the little (ok, not so little anymore) girls up north to see his parents for the weekend.

About every 5 months or so, I just need some "me time".  My dear one is very willing because he knows it makes me a better person, wife and mom.

The past couple of times I've needed some time alone, I have gone away.  But, hotels are expensive and sometimes, a little lonely if there is no other plan for the weekend.

So this time, I got to stay home, while he took those who need me the most, away for a little other-side-of-the-family time.

This was my weekend.  On Friday, I cleaned so that I could enjoy Saturday and Sunday.  Bathroom, bedroom, laundry,  ironing, vacuuming,  and that awesome (always messy) kitchen were all tackled and conquered.

Saturday morning I woke up and finished folding the last load of towels and then I had some fun.

I went to Mass,

had lunch with a friend,

had a massage!,

went to confession,

 and went to Mass again (for Sunday) with these two cuties:

After supper, I went for a very long walk with my mom, who is training to walk a 1/2 marathon in  October (more on that in an October post).  We walked 4.7 miles and I was exhausted. My mom was ready for more as she was supposed to go 7 miles per her training schedule, but I could not go on!

After our walk I collapsed into bed with my book.  I'm reading "The Kitchen House".  

Sunday I woke up early and, yes, went to Mass.  (What can I say? I'm a glutton for Jesus!!) 

Then I cleaned the kitchen. Again!

I was then ready to write.  Amanda showed me many fun tricks while I wrote my blogs because I am not at all computer savvy, but I had all these photos I wanted to add that I got from various locations.  She was a big help!  

The day is not over. I may go take a nap!  Or, I could read some more; or go for a walk (much shorter!) or write some letters or go to Adoration or…. hmmm the possibilities! 

Enormous thanks to my dear one for my "me weekend".  I'm ready to head back into the school year, which, unbelievably, begins Friday.  

Home For School

Our tenacious one has decided, after much prayer on her part, that she would like to be home schooled this year. She was home for kindergarten and first grade with her siblings.  In second grade and again for third she was in private school.

She did very well both years, even conquering spelling!

I'm very sure she made the right decision because for days afterward she had more energy and more joy than during the rest of the summer (and until she got poison ivy!)

It was like this huge weight was lifted off of her shoulders and she was free.

Being thrilled with her decision, I immediately let the school know what was going on, and then ordered her books.

When the books came, true to form, she had a plan. At first, she was much more interested in the box than the books.

 This is why:
She needed it to make a locker for her supplies. 
It is complete with a "combination lock".
She has all of her books in there, plus various trinkets to make it personal.
She even decorated the insides to her liking.  

On top of the locker are her three science kits, which she was very excited to receive.  We've already done the first two experiments which involved growing bacteria and fungus (including making our own agar!)

Anyone who knows me knows how I hate clutter.  However, in the hopes of a great school year, this locker, in all it's "loveliness" will grace that portion of our living room until next June.  

Here's to a great 4th grade school year.

Friday, August 1, 2014

Put Your Hands Together

Do you hold hands with your Honey?

My dear one and I hold hands a lot!  It is an example I learned from my parents, who still hold hands, after nearly 54 years of marriage.

Wayne and I were walking in the Kroger parking lot tonight, holding hands, and a gentleman approached us and said, "There's something you don't see very often anymore; holding hands."

I replied, "We're trying to set a good example."

This photo reminds me of when we were dating.  We were holding hands and talking about marriage and family, and Wayne held up our hands and said, "I wonder if our children will be striped?" 

I notice, when I am with other couples, whether  they hold hands or not.  At Mass every morning, there are many couples praying together.  None of them hold hands and most don't even let their arms or shoulders touch.

At Sunday Mass, when families are together, it always amazes me to see couples sitting at book ends with their children in the middle.  Most of these are not  families with small children where the parents are trying to keep thing under control. These are families with teenaged children, with the parents sitting "miles" apart from each other.  What a foreign concept to me.

This is true not only at Mass, but in the park, at the grocery store, out to dinner.  Wherever couples are together, most do not hold hands.

Many studies have confirmed that physical touch releases endorphins and oxytocin, which makes us happier and keeps us healthy.  It's GOOD for us.

What keeps couples from holding hands?  I've never asked, but often wondered.

Do you hold hands with your Honey?  Give it a try.  It's very nice.