Thursday, June 28, 2012

One Direction

Time to learn about a new boy band.

A few years back, ok maybe a few more than a few, our older girls loved to listen to the popular boy bands that were flooding the world with their music.

They had their posters on the walls and their music on the radios.

 I could name all the members of "The Backstreet Boys", "N Sync" and "98˚" and even sing many of the songs.

Now "One Direction" is making a name for themselves and I need to catch up. Our eleven year old has a poster and I know there are 5 guys in the band and that's about it.  I don't know a single song or even one name of a band member.

I do know there is a t-shirt available and much to my chagrin it has a grammatical error.  It says, "This girl love's One Direction!" Ack!

I also saw some not-too-friendly comments about a photo that shows them strolling Abby Road as the Beatles once did.  Apparently not a good idea.

Our daughter is saving her money to purchase a concert ticket even though they won't be performing in Michigan until  next summer.  She'll be needing a chaperone so maybe I had better get a little more informed.

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Summer Reading

Yesterday we signed up for the summer reading program at the Dearborn Public Library.

The program has changed a bit since the oldest kiddos used to participate.  At first they just read the books and reported on them to the volunteers who were at the library talking to readers to see what they liked about the books.

Then they were the volunteers.  They loved interacting with the children who came in all excited about getting stamps and prizes for the books they'd read that week.

Well, the volunteers are gone.  The kids don't have to talk about what they read and whether or not they enjoyed the books.

But the thrill is still there for our younger ones.  They fill out a form which lists the books they've read. They drop a slip into a box for one of the weekly drawings for prizes and they get to attend a party at the end of the summer to wrap up for another season.

There are three age groups: Kids up to 5th grade, teens (6th-12th grade) and adults.  I even signed up this year.

Hoping to get our tenacious-with-everything-but-reading one finally to love reading to herself.

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Talk About It

I love the way our kids converse.

I was doing a crossword puzzle and asked "who is the Norse god of war?"  Three of the kids chimed in and then a discussion ensued about who was correct and they each stated their case.

They talked about Odin (correct answer) and Thor and Loki.  All names I've heard before, because this is a subject area that interest them.

FYI- Odin is the biological father of Thor. Thor is the god of thunder. Loki is the half brother of Thor and is the god of mischief.

Another topic which gets them talking is World War II.  We have many, many books on the Holocaust and they know a lot about the War, Hitler and stories of survivors.

The Royals, especially, but not limited to, Henry VIII and his wives is also an area of fascination. They could go on for hours!

I know I had history classes in school but I've learned much more listening to the kids talk.  The younger ones get a kick out of it too, and hopefully the enthusiasm they see in their older siblings will encourage them to dive into history as well.

Friday, June 1, 2012

Ready to Read

With school almost over and a little (ok a lot) more time on my hands I had to decide which project to tackle first.

I am a clutter hater and so the fact that virtually all our horizontal surfaces have something on them drives me a little batty.

One thing we have way too many of is books.  We are book lovers.  We are readers to the max.  And boy, do we have books!

Well, today the used book store was the recipient of four bags of books.  It was a very hard thing to do.  Actually, I've tried several times over the winter months to decide which one to part with.  Today I just bit the bullet and started clearing space.

What amazed me was seeing so many books with bookmarks in them. My dear one and I seem to have the same tendency: we start a book, get busy for a week or so, the book gets put on a shelf and we forget we've started one and go choose another.

Well, I've made a plan.  No more new books until I get through the started ones (and those that I received for Christmas and Mother's Day).

However, that doesn't mean I can't window shop.  In fact, we went to the bookstore tonight and I made a list of several books I would like to read in the future.

One book at a time, one day at a time.  If I come across any particularly great ones, I'll let you know.