Thursday, June 28, 2012

One Direction

Time to learn about a new boy band.

A few years back, ok maybe a few more than a few, our older girls loved to listen to the popular boy bands that were flooding the world with their music.

They had their posters on the walls and their music on the radios.

 I could name all the members of "The Backstreet Boys", "N Sync" and "98˚" and even sing many of the songs.

Now "One Direction" is making a name for themselves and I need to catch up. Our eleven year old has a poster and I know there are 5 guys in the band and that's about it.  I don't know a single song or even one name of a band member.

I do know there is a t-shirt available and much to my chagrin it has a grammatical error.  It says, "This girl love's One Direction!" Ack!

I also saw some not-too-friendly comments about a photo that shows them strolling Abby Road as the Beatles once did.  Apparently not a good idea.

Our daughter is saving her money to purchase a concert ticket even though they won't be performing in Michigan until  next summer.  She'll be needing a chaperone so maybe I had better get a little more informed.

1 comment:

  1. Any band that prints a shirt without getting it spell-checked first is no good. ;-)
