Friday, June 1, 2012

Ready to Read

With school almost over and a little (ok a lot) more time on my hands I had to decide which project to tackle first.

I am a clutter hater and so the fact that virtually all our horizontal surfaces have something on them drives me a little batty.

One thing we have way too many of is books.  We are book lovers.  We are readers to the max.  And boy, do we have books!

Well, today the used book store was the recipient of four bags of books.  It was a very hard thing to do.  Actually, I've tried several times over the winter months to decide which one to part with.  Today I just bit the bullet and started clearing space.

What amazed me was seeing so many books with bookmarks in them. My dear one and I seem to have the same tendency: we start a book, get busy for a week or so, the book gets put on a shelf and we forget we've started one and go choose another.

Well, I've made a plan.  No more new books until I get through the started ones (and those that I received for Christmas and Mother's Day).

However, that doesn't mean I can't window shop.  In fact, we went to the bookstore tonight and I made a list of several books I would like to read in the future.

One book at a time, one day at a time.  If I come across any particularly great ones, I'll let you know.

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