Thursday, December 27, 2012

New York

Ten years ago I took our three oldest daughters to New York and Boston for a long weekend.

This year, they, plus the next oldest daughter, took me.  (Just to New York.)

 Liz and Caitlyn drove in rain and dark for 9 hours through Pennsylvania and New Jersey onto Staten Island.  (I drove the Ohio portion). What troopers!  It was a terrifying ride because, not only did it rain the whole way, there were semi trucks crowding the road and the rest stops.  They were very boldly driving through the rain and passing slower cars left and right. After our book on CD ended and we still had two hours to drive, Amanda and Caitlyn took turns reading "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy" to help keep Liz awake while she drove into the wee hours of the morning.  I was very grateful to get to the hotel.

After arriving at 3 a.m., we fell into bed and slept until around 9 a.m. Then, Erin managed the freeways like a champ and we spent Friday on Manhattan seeing the typical sites; 30 Rock, the Christmas tree and ice rink in Rockefeller Center, NBC studios, St. Patrick's Cathedral (all wrapped in scaffolding for repairs) and of course the street performers.

We figured out the subways, which are still in the midst of cleanup after Hurricane Sandy.  The line we were on had just opened that morning so we lucked out.

We took Boston Market chicken back to the hotel for supper and crawled into bed exhausted.  I decided, since it was only 8 p.m. and I was wiped out, that the next day I was staying in because I wanted to be awake for 'Newsies' which is what we were there to see.  Saturday evening, Erin got us to the parking garage and theatre with no problem and even learned to beep her horn New York style.  The drivers are so bold and the taxi drivers don't even need lanes!

The play was amazing.  I found myself wishing for a rewind button so I could watch it again. I was so engrossed with the singing and dancing that I didn't even sing along.

Erin and Amanda made the drive home in 3 fewer hours. It was not only shorter it was much less hair raising because it was Sunday, so no truckers, and it was sunny and dry.  We had a great time and I'm so grateful for the  memories.  Now, I'm counting the weeks until I take our 12 year old to Los Angeles to see my brother and his family.  We'll be flying!

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