Tuesday, December 18, 2012


I woke up this morning to find: a bottle of Windex on the floor in the living room, a roll of paper towel on the chair in the family room, and a car part of unknown name on the counter in the kitchen.  Guess who finished his semester and is on to other things? (btw- he passed Diffy Q. and Thermodynamics).

I went to Target today (didn't end up shoplifting anything this time) to buy snacks. One hundred fifty dollars later, I checked out.  But, I'm that much closer to being done Christmas shopping. And, I found a new book!

Had lunch with my dear one at Pot Belly.  Good food and great company. Thanks, Sweetie.

The five of us who are going to New York this weekend are trying to figure out the least amount of clothing to pack for a four day trip in a vehicle with very little storage space.  Very much looking forward to being with my girlies!

Getting up at 5:20 a.m. to go work out is so hard to think about when you're crawling into bed at night, but makes you feel so glad you did it the next morning once you're home again.

I got to use my nursing skills several times this week.  On Monday, a gentleman passed out in church right at the end of morning Mass.  I was very glad there were several nurses, two priests and other helpful people standing there as it wasn't just a quick slump, put your head between your knees and you'll feel better kind of passing out.  This man was quite sick and his poor wife was so scared.  I heard today that he spent the night in the hospital and is expected to be fine.

Today I got to do an ultrasound on a 21 week old baby.  I love to watch these little ones move and stretch, and to see their moms get excited.

I also got to do some nutrition and exercise counseling for a mom concerned for her daughter's health. It was a great day.

And a final note: last Friday, my nephew Michael received his nursing pin.  My mom, who is a nurse, got to pin him.  We now have 3 generations of nurses is the family.  

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