Sunday, February 12, 2012

Who'd a Thunk?

If someone had told me I'd have a dog in my house I would never have believed them. After all, when we got a puppy for Christmas the year I was seven, I was so allergic he was gone before the 12 days of Christmas were over.

If someone had told me I'd have a dog that sheds in my house I would have laughed in their face. But here I am constantly sweeping up his hair and using a lint roller on my black cords.

If someone had told me my kids would be sleeping with a mutt in their beds I would have shivered my heeby jee by shiver and said "no way". But the dog sleeps in four of the 9 beds in our home. (He knows not to even cross the threshold into my room.)

And if someone had told me that a dog would be my exercise partner I don't know what I would have said or done.
But, alas, we have started walking together. We are up to 8 blocks and it feels pretty good. I even had to don mittens and a hat the other day and I didn't mind a bit. He doesn't mind the cold and we're getting used to each other.

Who'd a thunk? Not I!

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