Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Amish Day

Every once in a while, when I get sick of listening to the television, or a book on CD, or granting permission to play on the computer, I call for an Amish Day.

An Amish Day consists of turning off all electronics, including the lights until it gets too dark to see.

I try to get my laundry done the day before and we wash the dishes by hand for a day.

I give the kids warning so they don't wake up and start vying for their computer time.  Typically, they don't mind at all.  We get our school work done and then work puzzles or I'll read out loud.  Even the older ones will sit and listen if they have nothing else to do.  This really works in my favor when it is a book, or several books, I've read many times before.  Soon, my eyelids start to droop and I fall asleep in the chair.  Then the kids will go off and entertain themselves with some creative play for a bit and I get a nap.

It brings peace back into the home and we talk to each other more.  Dinner lasts longer and sometimes it becomes a family game night.

I may be close to needing such a day in the near future.  In fact, the very near future.  I'll let you know how it goes.

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