Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Happy St. Valentine's Day

My dear one came home from work today with two bouquets of flowers, one each for the youngest girls, his Valentines. Of course, they were thrilled! As was I, as I asked him not to buy any for me. Now I can enjoy theirs.

Son number 2 (#6 in the line up) had his first Valentine this year. He has been watching the proceedings for so long he was well prepared. First we got some roses, red and yellow, and he made his own arrangement, 12 red, one yellow in the center. Then we bought strawberries which he covered with chocolate. While purchasing the strawberries, he found a favorite beverage of hers, so he threw that in, too. He also went to the dollar store and bought heart shaped balloons, solely for the purpose of sucking helium so their voices would sound funny.

Then he dressed up in fancy clothes and told her to do the same because he was taking her somewhere special for lunch. They ended up at a cheap mexican restaurant with a bell on the sign. Hey, he doesn't have a job! She loved every minute of the day and he had fun, too.

It was fun to watch him pull it off and the little girls learned a lesson in Valentine's giving.

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