Saturday, February 25, 2012

The Snow Day That Wasn't

Well, that's two years in a row the weatherman has predicted dire conditions; driving winds, 5-8 inches of snow, winter storm WARNING, all to have it come to nothing.

The sirens blasted a no parking on the street warning.  At least one school canceled classes the evening before.

Then we all woke up and wondered why the school hadn't called to tell us it was a snow day.  One look outside told the whole story.  Only the lawns were white.  Bummer!

Daughter #2 was hoping for a snow day because she is sick and she didn't want to miss a clinical day.  No luck.

The kids were hoping their big brother would have a day off so they could too.  Oh well.

One good thing did come of it, besides not having to battle the muck, number 1 son did not have to do his physical training exam for ROTC.   His superior told him they would use his score from last semester so that they could get his paperwork turned in on time.  (He is applying for field training.)

He was more than thrilled.  His spring (?) break was off to a much better start than he anticipated.

Well, there's still March and April to go.  We may have a snow day or two, yet.

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