Sunday, February 5, 2012

My Grown Up

My husband and I have nine children, most of whom are no longer children. Our oldest is 27, our youngest is 7.

When you have nine children, it seems as though the older ones get independent without your even really noticing.

They make their own breakfast, brush their own teeth and dress themselves because you're too busy with the baby.

So what happens when the youngest suddenly starts to get independent and you're not quite ready for it?

I was in the bathroom with the youngest who was bathing. I reached into the tub to help her wash her hair. She said, rather indignantly, "I can do it myself, mom."

I gently explained to her that, as my youngest, I enjoyed helping her with little things that she could probably do by herself but I wasn't ready to give up that part of my mothering.

She smiled her gap toothed smile and said sweetly, "You're just going to have to accept it, mom. I'm growing up."

Sad tears came to my eyes but I did not let her see them. I left the room and let her wash her own hair, thankful that she is becoming independent and glad that there are still many things she needs me to do for her.

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