Tuesday, February 7, 2012


I've spent a lot of time, lately, trying to figure out what my life should be like now that there are no more babies in the house. While sincerely hoping this will change in a few years when grandchildren come along, it's now I'm wondering about.

I have a few new things going on. I am learning to do limited obstetrical ultrasounds as a volunteer at the local crisis pregnancy center. I have a couple of blogs going. The issue is, I'm not really free since I still have 3 children that I'm homeschooling.

If you read my first post you know my youngest is "growing up" and growing ever more independent. So I have time on my hands. I'm not a sitter. Ask my kids. If I sit, I sleep!

I need to be busy in a productive way but also not the same things I've been doing for years. All of those jobs are still getting done but, I'm yearning for something new. Not sure what it will be but my heart and my arms are wide open.

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