Sunday, August 26, 2012


That's what I got July 29 at about 4:00 p.m. after being with my mom and sisters for a lovely birthday lunch in Novi.

My sister drove me home and when she pulled into the drive way I was greeted by A LOT of guests waiting to wish me happy birthday.  I was so shocked I sat in the van with tears running down my cheeks.  My sister said, "I think they're waiting for you to get out!"

As I focused farther and farther into the crowd and I started realizing just who came to help me celebrate turning 50, I became even more overwhelmed.

It was awesome to see siblings, nieces, nephews, aunts and uncles, cousins, friends from church, other friends and neighbors all gathered in my back yard.

Apparently it was a month long effort by my dear one and the older kids. Wayne made a list and told the girls to make it happen and let him know how much it was going to cost.

I found out one of my daughter's friends stored quite a bit of the food at his house even though it was Ramadan and he was fasting!  What a guy.

Other neighbors pitched in by hiding the necessary tables and chairs, grill etc in their back yard.  Some friends loaned Wayne a canopy to keep the sun off everyone.

The kids and their significant others pulled it all together including grilling hamburgers and hot dogs and when it was over, I did not have to lift a figure in the cleanup!  Another gift.

It was an amazing party and I'm grateful to be so loved.  Thanks everyone!

1 comment:

  1. What an awesome day that was! You bless the lives of so many others; I know it was their joy to be able to "bless you back". ;-)
