Sunday, August 12, 2012

You know you're camping when . . .

...the paper plates blow onto the ground and you brush them off and use them anyway. have to walk 100 yards to use the bathroom or shower and you do so willingly. smell like campfire smoke for 5 days even after a showering on each of those days.

...your children spend hours together with no electronics and actually get along really well.

...your 16 year old plays Yahtzee with you and you use real dice and a score card that you have to fill out yourself.

...breakfast is eaten on the bed because the picnic table is wet from last night's rainfall.

...the s'mores taste better than ever, dripping with melted chocolate and gooey marshmallows. take the time to enjoy the sunset.

...the bug noises keep you awake the first night and lull you to sleep on subsequent nights.

We had a great time, but boy is it good to be home.

1 comment:

  1. Figure out what to bring based on how much room you have and how long you’ll be gone. camper rental
