Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Déjà Poo


Didn't we do this last year at this time?  Actually it was Good Friday.  The rain had been coming down for days and, since there is always laundry running through the machines at our house, the pipes under the house and out to the street were full.  

I went downstairs to find two inches of water (toilet and sewer) flooding the laundry room and soaking into the carpet and being sucked up into the drywall on the finished side of the basement.

My dear one spent two plus days ripping up carpeting, washing and disinfecting the floor and making the basement clean enough to at least enter, though not yet livable again.

By the end of August, we had new dry wall in areas, new molding, new carpeting and two rubber stoppers over the drain where the water entered the house.

Thanks to the rubber stoppers, this year's flood only went into the laundry room side of the basement.  Twice.  In two days!

Thankfully the plumber (yes, him again) was able to unclog the main sewer drain and get us up and running again.  He even snaked the kitchen drain for me when he was here.  So, now we can do laundry and dishes without water creeping in where it doesn't belong.

1 comment:

  1. I hate clogged drains. It take a sense of humor to not lose you mind over it.
