Saturday, December 27, 2014

The Many Gifts of Christmas

This was a wonderful Christmas.

The kids were all home for Christmas Eve festivities which include Mass, pizza and presents.

There were several awesome homemade presents this year:

Michael made, for a secret santa gift, and received from loving sisters, a tie blanket with the 21 Pilots logo on it.
It's actually black, not brown.
It involved a lot of knot tying:

A WHOLE LOT of knot tying!!!

Our tenacious one made a jewelry box, and some jewelry for her cousin:

A friend from church made this angel for me.  Yes, she made this!  

And our oldest daughter and our son-in-law made us 


Christmas gets better every year! 

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

The Home Stretch on Several Fronts

Once again, it's finals week and the week before Christmas.

Josh is done!

Amanda is done!

Michael has one more final.

Our high schooler has three more. (Four if you count the hour he has to spend in study hall tomorrow.)

And the youngest final taker has one more.

So far everyone is pleased with the outcomes of their exams.

This has been a busy week of extra driving because:  Michael is moving home from college and has decided to commute for his finals.

The high school only wants the kids there for finals, which means they go in at the normal time and get out before lunch.

The middle schooler, who is also taking finals, has to be there all day every day all week.

Throw in swim practice and a meet, gymnastics, Bible School, driving number one son to the dealership for car repairs and then to work, and then taking him to  and from school since he did not have a car that night and it adds up to a lot of extra miles.  Thank God gas is so cheap right now.

Christmas is a week away (we open on Christmas Eve which gives me one less evening to prepare) and the shopping is only mostly done.  More driving to come for shopping, than wrapping and celebrating.

My other countdown is to the shortest day of the year.  Four more days and they start getting longer again!  Woo hoo.

I was really looking forward to not driving for two whole weeks, but our high schooler is now on the swim team and has practice just about everyday all of vacation.  He has the hard part though. He has to swim for two hours. I just have to get him there.  I'll take it!

Merry Christmas to all.

Sunday, October 19, 2014

Grand(ma) Inspiration

It started with an idea.  A friend asked my mom if she wanted to walk the Detroit Free Press 1/2 Marathon.  She accepted and so did a mutual friend from California. (Leave California in October to come to Michigan to walk a marathon?)  

Let the training begin.  New shoes made for walking long distances were a must.  Have to protect those feet!  Mile after mile, she built up her leg muscles and her stamina.  She got to see lots of Dearborn in her efforts to find longer distances to walk.  She even made it 13 miles down Hines Drive. 

Then came the excitement when the race was getting closer and we, her children and grandchildren, wanted to show our support.  So we ordered t-shirts.  Green of course, since she is 100% Irish.  
Hers says: NOREEN  75 YEARS STRONG & STEADY on the back and Detroit Free Press 1/2 Marathon Walk 10/19/14 on the front. 

Ours say, TEAM NOREEN on the back and pretty much the same on the front but include the words Pit Crew. 

The  13.1-mile walk included the Ambassador Bridge and the Tunnel. She and her friends finished in under 4.5 hours.  

L-R Dorothy, Noreen, Sandy
Way to go ladies! Congratulations. 

Friday, September 12, 2014

Cooking For How Many?

Well, in the past year (Sunday is the Beams' first anniversary--how did that happen?) three "kids" have moved out of the house.

I don't even know how to cook anymore!  Nor am I really sure what to buy at the grocery store. Not only was I used to cooking for our family, we always had extras at the table with fiancés and friends. That's not the case any more.

It is taking me a long time to figure out just what to buy because I didn't really keep track of who ate what, other than what I made for supper.  That and what disappeared from the pantry shelves.

So far I've figured out that it is Michael who battered and fried the cheese sticks (keep those around for weekend visits home.) Michael is also the only one who regularly ate turkey sandwiches.  Hold off on the Italian bread and sliced turkey.

Liz liked the instant oatmeal which is why I have an 18 pack still sitting in the basement. Note to self--give oatmeal to Liz.

Caitlyn's favorites changed depending on how her head was feeling and if she felt something she was eating was contributing to her migraines.  Then she would stop eating that and try something new. (Her hubby is doing a great job cooking for them and trying new things that taste delicious but don't cause pain.)

Liz and Caitlyn must be the ones who ate all the hummus and pita because now it turns green faster than I can finish if off by myself.  I know it was Liz who ate the guacamole--eww.

Portion sizes at dinner have drastically diminished even though Amanda eats like a guy because she works out every day and keeps track of her macros.  (Don't ask.) The leftovers sit in the fridge and beg for someone to eat them. Never mind, that's ME begging someone to eat them.

I made vanilla cupcakes and there they sit, tempting me, but no one else.  And birthday cakes don't disappear as quickly as they used to.  I guess I figured out who was eating cake for breakfast.

Somehow, though, the food bill has not gotten any lower.  Because the other foods I used to buy are being replaced with things like protein powder and lots of extra fruit.  That's okay, fruit is good for them, right?  I rarely get any of that though because it now disappears faster than cupcakes.

Change is good. It keeps me on my toes and gives me something to look forward to!

Sunday, August 10, 2014

My Weekend

I asked my dear one to please take the little (ok, not so little anymore) girls up north to see his parents for the weekend.

About every 5 months or so, I just need some "me time".  My dear one is very willing because he knows it makes me a better person, wife and mom.

The past couple of times I've needed some time alone, I have gone away.  But, hotels are expensive and sometimes, a little lonely if there is no other plan for the weekend.

So this time, I got to stay home, while he took those who need me the most, away for a little other-side-of-the-family time.

This was my weekend.  On Friday, I cleaned so that I could enjoy Saturday and Sunday.  Bathroom, bedroom, laundry,  ironing, vacuuming,  and that awesome (always messy) kitchen were all tackled and conquered.

Saturday morning I woke up and finished folding the last load of towels and then I had some fun.

I went to Mass,

had lunch with a friend,

had a massage!,

went to confession,

 and went to Mass again (for Sunday) with these two cuties:

After supper, I went for a very long walk with my mom, who is training to walk a 1/2 marathon in  October (more on that in an October post).  We walked 4.7 miles and I was exhausted. My mom was ready for more as she was supposed to go 7 miles per her training schedule, but I could not go on!

After our walk I collapsed into bed with my book.  I'm reading "The Kitchen House".  

Sunday I woke up early and, yes, went to Mass.  (What can I say? I'm a glutton for Jesus!!) 

Then I cleaned the kitchen. Again!

I was then ready to write.  Amanda showed me many fun tricks while I wrote my blogs because I am not at all computer savvy, but I had all these photos I wanted to add that I got from various locations.  She was a big help!  

The day is not over. I may go take a nap!  Or, I could read some more; or go for a walk (much shorter!) or write some letters or go to Adoration or…. hmmm the possibilities! 

Enormous thanks to my dear one for my "me weekend".  I'm ready to head back into the school year, which, unbelievably, begins Friday.  

Home For School

Our tenacious one has decided, after much prayer on her part, that she would like to be home schooled this year. She was home for kindergarten and first grade with her siblings.  In second grade and again for third she was in private school.

She did very well both years, even conquering spelling!

I'm very sure she made the right decision because for days afterward she had more energy and more joy than during the rest of the summer (and until she got poison ivy!)

It was like this huge weight was lifted off of her shoulders and she was free.

Being thrilled with her decision, I immediately let the school know what was going on, and then ordered her books.

When the books came, true to form, she had a plan. At first, she was much more interested in the box than the books.

 This is why:
She needed it to make a locker for her supplies. 
It is complete with a "combination lock".
She has all of her books in there, plus various trinkets to make it personal.
She even decorated the insides to her liking.  

On top of the locker are her three science kits, which she was very excited to receive.  We've already done the first two experiments which involved growing bacteria and fungus (including making our own agar!)

Anyone who knows me knows how I hate clutter.  However, in the hopes of a great school year, this locker, in all it's "loveliness" will grace that portion of our living room until next June.  

Here's to a great 4th grade school year.

Friday, August 1, 2014

Put Your Hands Together

Do you hold hands with your Honey?

My dear one and I hold hands a lot!  It is an example I learned from my parents, who still hold hands, after nearly 54 years of marriage.

Wayne and I were walking in the Kroger parking lot tonight, holding hands, and a gentleman approached us and said, "There's something you don't see very often anymore; holding hands."

I replied, "We're trying to set a good example."

This photo reminds me of when we were dating.  We were holding hands and talking about marriage and family, and Wayne held up our hands and said, "I wonder if our children will be striped?" 

I notice, when I am with other couples, whether  they hold hands or not.  At Mass every morning, there are many couples praying together.  None of them hold hands and most don't even let their arms or shoulders touch.

At Sunday Mass, when families are together, it always amazes me to see couples sitting at book ends with their children in the middle.  Most of these are not  families with small children where the parents are trying to keep thing under control. These are families with teenaged children, with the parents sitting "miles" apart from each other.  What a foreign concept to me.

This is true not only at Mass, but in the park, at the grocery store, out to dinner.  Wherever couples are together, most do not hold hands.

Many studies have confirmed that physical touch releases endorphins and oxytocin, which makes us happier and keeps us healthy.  It's GOOD for us.

What keeps couples from holding hands?  I've never asked, but often wondered.

Do you hold hands with your Honey?  Give it a try.  It's very nice.

Thursday, July 31, 2014

Birthday Fun

About six weeks ago I saw an ad in our church paper stating that the men's club was trying to get a group together to go see the Tigers (our State's baseball team) play.

When I checked the date of the game, I was surprised to see that the date was my birthday.  I thought it would be great to have all the kids and then some come to the game.

So I ordered tickets and prayed for sunshine!

One of our family traditions is calling the person whose birthday it is and sing the birthday song to them.  The song always ends with, "and many more!!!"  Throughout the day I received serenades from several people. This was my favorite!!

My dear one bought me a copy of "My Utmost For His Highest" by Oswald Chambers.  It is lovely!

Caitlyn and Jimmy bought me a chocolate-almond bar.

Our tenacious one made me a pin cushion and a card.  The card said: "This present is full of pins and needles.  Good thing you're not sitting on it!"

This lovely bouquet was sent to me from my cousins;  Don, Sonmi and Sasha. 

After a rushed dinner and some delicious chocolate layer cake with bananas in between the layers (another family tradition), we drove down to the Tigers game. 

When we got to the stairwell that lead to our seats, it began to downpour!

It poured for about 10 minutes but the sky lightened a little bit with each passing minute and we knew the rain wouldn't last.  When we got to our seats, we found that they were just under a nice overhang which kept them mostly dry for us.  A trip to the restroom for some paper towels and we were ready for the game to begin. 

Though we were very high in the stands, we had a great view of the field (when all the pedestrian traffic was not in motion). 

Of course photos were taken, posts were make to Facebook and snap chats sent.  That's my mom and sister, Margaret, behind us.  The Tigers played a great game, scoring 6 runs in the first inning and one in a later inning to win the game 7-1 against the Chicago White Sox.

This is almost all of us.  Erin's friend, Rob, opted to take the photo instead of be included.  I don't know how to photo shop or I would add him!  Thanks, Rob. 

Overall, a wonderful celebration of my 52 years!  Here's hoping for:  "Many more!!" 

Saturday, July 12, 2014

Member No More

In May of 1994, when our fifth child was 8 months old, we bought our very first full size van.  A two tone taupe Ford E-150.  I remember a friend of mine, who also had just had her fifth child and drove a full size van, telling me, "don't let the gas tank get to E, it will cost you $30 to fill it!!"

Wow!  $30!  I wish.  The last time I filled the van (probably the 5th E-150 we've owned) it cost $96 and I don't think it was quite on E yet.

So, 1994, I was officially a "member" of the big van club.  Over the years we would go to different colors and have either a higher--up to 11, or lower --down to 7, seat count.  The 7-seater we bought three years ago and that was a downsize.

This year in January, we bought our final full-sized van.  It was a great price and only 2 years old with very few miles.  We thought I would drive it a lot longer, but I found that it had become cumbersome to drive it so often with just me inside.  Most of the kids drive now, and all but one have their own vehicle, so it was a real gas waster and getting to be a pain to park. This one, for some reason, had a very limited turn radius.

My mom was in the market for a smaller vehicle, so we spent a week test driving vehicles at two different dealerships, talking about which car was most comfortable, what color options were available, and how much she wanted to spend.  In the end, she got a 2010 black Ford Focus and I put my big van up for sale so I could buy her smaller Chevy TrailBlazer.

My van sold very quickly to a friend who has also been a long time member of the big van club.  They have 8 children, many of whom are not yet driving, so it was a great fit for them.

Last Thursday my "new" TrailBlazer passed the big test.  Would all the food I buy in my bi-monthly shopping trips fit in the back end? It did, but I can only bring one helper shopping with me now, because the back seats need to be put flat for the food to fit.

It is so much fun to drive; great pickup, super easy to park and back out of the driveway.  The newest driver in our family, who hopes to have his license soon, is so happy to know he will not have to drive the beast of a big van.  He is the first, of the oldest 7 kids, to not have to learn in a van and drive it until they purchased their own, much smaller, vehicles.

So, with no regrets, I turn in my membership to the big van club.  I am happy to be downsized a bit.  The nice part is, when the grandchildren come along, it is still high enough to make putting a baby or toddler into a car seat easy.  Always something to look forward to!

Monday, June 30, 2014

By Request (More Kitchen Photos)

This is a fairly good representation of what the kitchen has looked like ever since the countertops were installed (minus the small child standing up there--replace her with a 6'4" teenager sitting and that's more likely).  We were cleaning and I needed help reaching the top shelves, however there is always a lot of stuff filling it up.

But, I had a request for more photos, so I took a few (relative term) minutes and cleaned up a bit to take some updated shots.

This is the view from the dining room.  We bought the stools at  The color match was almost perfect!  You can see beside the right stool, there are now end pieces on the sides of both of these cabinets.  It gives it a much more finished look. 

A better view of an end panel. 

We did not have a spot for towels and they kept getting hung on the oven or dishwasher door. This is convenient until you open the door and the towel drags on the floor which is typically dog hairy.  So my dear one put a towel rack on the drawer instead of a drawer pull.  

This window will eventually be replaced.  It was not on the replacement docket, but we found one that cranks open and fits the spot perfectly.  Looking forward to that!

The two dark circles on the false front of the sink cabinet are three-hole outlets.  Very convenient!! There was quite a bit of engineering that went into their installation.  All the wires are concealed and waterproofed with PVC piping. 

This is one of four corner cabinets.  This is the biggest and my favorite.  Everything is easy to reach and  it holds a lot of stuff (most of which was in the dishwasher). 

This corner unit is behind the unit pictured above.  It is actually two separate cupboards that looks like one. Because there are two units, they don't hold as much, but one turned out to be a great spot to hold all those travel mugs, water bottles and such.  The other holds the shaker cups and protein powder that our fitness minded kiddos use. 

This corner unit is a double Lazy Susan.  Nice big shelves that hold a lot.  You just have to be careful that the V shaped cut-out  of the shelves is positioned correctly so that the door will close. 

This unit has two stationary shelves.  It's got a lot of room in there but it has to be used for not-so-often-needed kitchen stuff because 1)  it's deep and hard for me to get at (old knees!), and 2) it is dark in there.  We did not consider a light until it was too late and I was not going to go there!! 

We do have plenty of lighting under the upper cabinets, however.  And, as you can see, a lot of well used outlets.

So, there's our kitchen.  Well-used and awfully nice, I must say.  Thanks for asking, Derek!

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Wedding #2

The week before the wedding had the weather reports showing thunder storms for the whole week, including Saturday.  By Thursday, the reports called for sunny skies. Gratefully, that is what we got.

Caitlyn's (last year's bride) sister-in-law, Kayla, drove up from Ohio to do the bride's hair.  Before she went home she had done three complete hairdo's and helped with another.

At one point we had two heads being done at once. I don't have any professional photos to share yet, but I'm very sure they will be better than the few I got, so I will post them later. 

There were three fewer ladies in the wedding party this time, so the getting ready was a little calmer and more quiet than last year.  The bride's Godmother blessed us by bring over bagels and coffee. Thank you Margaret! 

At our last "getting ready" day, my dear one escaped the Estrogen by changing a shower head for me.  This year, since the bathroom was taken over for hair, he and Josh got their testosterone fix by watching clips of Steve McQueen do his own stunts in "Bullet". 

Once we got to the church, son Josh made a special request of our dear pastor, Fr. Jim.  
Being the good sport that he is, Fr. Jim complied.  However, since it was a surprise, we have no original video image.  So, click the link below and just listen to the first 10 seconds to see the surprise Liz and Jim got at the beginning of the homily. It was awesome.

We had photos taken inside the church and outside.  Our tenacious one had her camera with her so I have a few to share. 

The reception was held at Stoney Creek Metropark in their semipermanent tent and it was lovely.  

Sunset Terrace Stoney Creek

We were in for an added bit of fun toward the end of the evening.  Behind whomever is taking this photo, is a small lake.  The DSO happened to be performing across the lake the evening of the wedding, so we got a free fireworks show over the water during the reception.

The whole day was wonderful, including the talent of the park police officer who was able to retrieve my keys which got locked in the van half way through the reception.  (For more on this story, click here

One of the highlights of the evening was the last dance.  I was torn between participating and taking a video of what happened and I decided to just enjoy the moment and relive it with the "video" in my head. There was so much emotion attached that won't come through in the telling, but I'll share anyway.  

The very last song was Piano Man by Billy Joel (by request of the groom).  There were about 45 people still at the reception and when the song started everyone of us hit the dance floor.  About 20 seconds into the song, spontaneous movement  started and we all ended up surrounding the dance floor, arms around the waist of the person on each side of us, swaying and singing at the top of our voices, while Liz and Jim danced in the middle. It was so neat!  

So wedding number 2 is now a week in the past.  The next wedding on the docket is our nephew, Michael, and his intended, Leni.  It will be one year from this wedding.  Nice to have another party to look forward to, especially since I can just sit back and relax for this one!!