Thursday, July 12, 2012

Losing It!

I'm not really sure what my problem is lately, but I have locked my keys in the car twice in the past few weeks (once with the engine running) and almost locked them in a third time.

The engine running time was especially unnerving since I didn't notice until I came out of the store.  Thankfully AAA was close by and fast.

I could blame the kids for distracting me but I've been driving with noisy kids in the car for a quarter of a century and it was never an issue.

I never used to carry a purse and now I have a wristlette.  I wonder if the actions of having to, first remember to get the purse, and second to actually reach over and pick it up off the floor, throws me for that big of a loop?

I finally put the extra fob in my purse just to be on the safe side.  I don't like having to have a back up system.  This getting old(er) thing is not all that fun.

1 comment:

  1. I so hear you, Mary. Getting older is not fun in so many ways. I keep saying, "I can't hear you," when someone across the room tries to talk to me. ::sigh:: I'm forgetful, too. I couldn't think of the word "spirea" when pondering the garden today.
