Monday, July 9, 2012

Baking Day

I can always tell when the kids are feeling peaceful.  They start to bake.

When the three oldest girls were little we used to love spending time baking.  Mostly we made chocolate chip cookies because they were easy and had lots of ingredients to measure and pour.

We would close the sliding door that lead from the kitchen to the basement stairs and then pull up a chair by the door and they would stand on that to reach the countertop.

I baked some with the younger ones, too and now a few of them love to get in the kitchen and bake a favorite recipe.

They have expanded from chocolate chip cookies, I'm glad to say, so we have a nice variety on occasion.  Right now, for example.

Yesterday was a peaceful day.

Amanda made sugar cookies with purple (?) icing, and Erin made banana bread.

Not to be outdone, number 3 son made chocolate-zucchini roll.  YUMMY! 
Yes, I tried each one!  So good.  

I love it when they are peaceful and ready to bake but I'm glad we don't have this much variety all the time.  


  1. Your house had to smell wonderful, too! It all looks so good. Great to have kids who can handle themselves in the kitchen. ~~Rhonda

  2. OOhhh ... I like the chocolate zucchini roll! Can you make it gf?

    1. Hi Carmen! Yes, you can use GF flour cup for cup and it will hold up just fine if you use eggs to bind. :)
