Monday, September 4, 2017

Bath Bombs

Well, school is in full swing and with it comes the necessary homework.

Each student in the 7th and 8th grade has to do two science projects per year.  They have to write a lab report and present to the class.

Our tenacious one, hearing for years on end to volunteer to go first with projects at school, did just that.

The first day of projects is Friday, September 8th.

At first she was going to take alkaline metals and drop them in water to show the kids how cool the reaction is. (I believe she had help from an older sibling for this particular idea.)

When we discovered that the metals were expensive and took two weeks to deliver, we talked her into something a little more on her level.

So she decided to make bath bombs with two different sets of ingredients and see which recipe works best (meaning-gives the most fizz in the tub.)

She looked up recipes online and found a youtube video of two very cute little girls whose mom lets them experiment and put their finding online for others to try.

Wayne took her shopping for the ingredients, most of which are normal household items with the exception of citric acid (unless you can your own food), and molds.

I wish I had a video of the first bomb she tested.  I was watching the proceedings and saw that the tall container they were going to put the bomb in was full almost to the top with water. I kept my mouth shut because this was not my gig.

It was epic!  And they both figured out that they need a whole lot less water in that container next time around!

Round two with a different recipe happened today.  It was a success.

Now that she is close to being ready to present we found out that her science teacher quit.  He is moving to the public school system.

So all this fun may be for naught, but she and Wayne want her to be ready just in the case the substitute teacher (or new hire) isn't quite ready with lesson plans and (s)he needs this plan to fall back on.

Whether she gets to present or not, she is excited and that is what counts.  I think I see bath bombs in our future as possible Christmas gifts.

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