Monday, February 6, 2012

Twiddling My Thumbs

Gosh, it's only February? It has been such an awesome winter. I can say this because I do not participate in winter sports. My oldest son, on the other hand, would love to be snowboarding and the other kids want to go sledding.

And, so while it's been a nice winter I have only one complaint: I want it to be May!

I want to open the windows and let the fresh air sweeten up my home. I want to see the flowers blooming and the trees budding and the grass turning green again. I want to put my coat away!

I have lots to do to keep me busy; bedrooms to clean, carpets to vacuum, laundry (oh, the laundry!) So why am I twiddling my thumbs? Because long about February I get bored doing all that stuff. I want something new and different.

I want to go to the park, ride my bike, drive with the windows down, wear my flip flops. I want to sit on the porch and read a book while the kids play. I need a change of pace.

But since it's only February, maybe I should start wishing for snow.

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