Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Through A Glass Clearly

I spend a good, long time and used a lot of paper towels cleaning windows this morning.  Not my favorite chore but today it was really necessary.

One of the kids bought window paint and so I've been looking through blue, white, yellow and red decorations for over a week.

We had a birthday during that time so all the panes in one of the dining room windows read HAPPY BIRTHDAY.

Other writings included I (heart) Art,  bananas, a huge smily face in the living room windows and various squiggly lines.

I'm pretty sure it was enjoyed by at least some of the folks who walk past our house daily. They were probably relieved they didn't have to wash the windows.

One window that got painted was one that I did not have to clean.  Someone got away with writing VROOM VROOM on the back window of number one son's "new" car.   But that's a post for another day.

And, yes, I hid the paints!

Saturday, February 25, 2012

The Snow Day That Wasn't

Well, that's two years in a row the weatherman has predicted dire conditions; driving winds, 5-8 inches of snow, winter storm WARNING, all to have it come to nothing.

The sirens blasted a no parking on the street warning.  At least one school canceled classes the evening before.

Then we all woke up and wondered why the school hadn't called to tell us it was a snow day.  One look outside told the whole story.  Only the lawns were white.  Bummer!

Daughter #2 was hoping for a snow day because she is sick and she didn't want to miss a clinical day.  No luck.

The kids were hoping their big brother would have a day off so they could too.  Oh well.

One good thing did come of it, besides not having to battle the muck, number 1 son did not have to do his physical training exam for ROTC.   His superior told him they would use his score from last semester so that they could get his paperwork turned in on time.  (He is applying for field training.)

He was more than thrilled.  His spring (?) break was off to a much better start than he anticipated.

Well, there's still March and April to go.  We may have a snow day or two, yet.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Amish Day

Every once in a while, when I get sick of listening to the television, or a book on CD, or granting permission to play on the computer, I call for an Amish Day.

An Amish Day consists of turning off all electronics, including the lights until it gets too dark to see.

I try to get my laundry done the day before and we wash the dishes by hand for a day.

I give the kids warning so they don't wake up and start vying for their computer time.  Typically, they don't mind at all.  We get our school work done and then work puzzles or I'll read out loud.  Even the older ones will sit and listen if they have nothing else to do.  This really works in my favor when it is a book, or several books, I've read many times before.  Soon, my eyelids start to droop and I fall asleep in the chair.  Then the kids will go off and entertain themselves with some creative play for a bit and I get a nap.

It brings peace back into the home and we talk to each other more.  Dinner lasts longer and sometimes it becomes a family game night.

I may be close to needing such a day in the near future.  In fact, the very near future.  I'll let you know how it goes.

Friday, February 17, 2012

House Broken

No, this is not another post about the mutt!  It's about my house being broken.  We have a few things that need fixing but what amazes me is how many of our door knobs have begun to give out.  We have the old glass knobs and lately more of them are twisting in the casing rather than allowing the doors to open.

We've had people getting stuck in the bathroom, stuck in the front entrance and stuck in the dining room.  Awkward!

We've purchased replacements, but they're plastic and do not last very long.  We will probably have to replace the knobs with a new style which will take away from the look of the house.  But, it beats having a guest knock on the inside of the bathroom door!

Wednesday, February 15, 2012


They're dropping like flies. Four of the kids are coughing, although I have to admit it's a lot better than past years when I described my home as sounding like a TB ward.

Now my hubby is sick. So sick he actually came home from work. This does not happen. His is headache and sick stomach so that makes me wonder what else we're in for.

The youngest is sleeping on the floor in her bedroom so as not to be breathed on by big sis who is coughing.

I will be finding a nice warm blanket, a clean pillow, and a couch. Could be a long night.

Spring, please come soon.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Happy St. Valentine's Day

My dear one came home from work today with two bouquets of flowers, one each for the youngest girls, his Valentines. Of course, they were thrilled! As was I, as I asked him not to buy any for me. Now I can enjoy theirs.

Son number 2 (#6 in the line up) had his first Valentine this year. He has been watching the proceedings for so long he was well prepared. First we got some roses, red and yellow, and he made his own arrangement, 12 red, one yellow in the center. Then we bought strawberries which he covered with chocolate. While purchasing the strawberries, he found a favorite beverage of hers, so he threw that in, too. He also went to the dollar store and bought heart shaped balloons, solely for the purpose of sucking helium so their voices would sound funny.

Then he dressed up in fancy clothes and told her to do the same because he was taking her somewhere special for lunch. They ended up at a cheap mexican restaurant with a bell on the sign. Hey, he doesn't have a job! She loved every minute of the day and he had fun, too.

It was fun to watch him pull it off and the little girls learned a lesson in Valentine's giving.

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Who'd a Thunk?

If someone had told me I'd have a dog in my house I would never have believed them. After all, when we got a puppy for Christmas the year I was seven, I was so allergic he was gone before the 12 days of Christmas were over.

If someone had told me I'd have a dog that sheds in my house I would have laughed in their face. But here I am constantly sweeping up his hair and using a lint roller on my black cords.

If someone had told me my kids would be sleeping with a mutt in their beds I would have shivered my heeby jee by shiver and said "no way". But the dog sleeps in four of the 9 beds in our home. (He knows not to even cross the threshold into my room.)

And if someone had told me that a dog would be my exercise partner I don't know what I would have said or done.
But, alas, we have started walking together. We are up to 8 blocks and it feels pretty good. I even had to don mittens and a hat the other day and I didn't mind a bit. He doesn't mind the cold and we're getting used to each other.

Who'd a thunk? Not I!

Day Off

The two youngest girls and I took a much needed day off on Thursday and went to The Henry Ford Museum. We were just in time for a re-enactment that was being done for Black History Month. One of the presenters did a great job reciting one of Martin Luther King Jr.'s speeches. Three presenters then handed out protest signs to the kids in the audience and the "marched" and sang for freedom.

This is a field trip we can take frequently because for at least 10 years we've had a least one and up to four children working at either the Museum or the Village which means we have free access to both parts of the Henry Ford.

We have our favorite spots: the Firestone Farm, the glass blowing shop, The Eagle Tavern where one of the waitresses is our favorite, and of course the candy store. Inside we like putting together the Model T's, checking out the Dymaxion House and trying to make the light bulbs light up.

I think this year we'll splurge and get the ride option added to our family pass.

We had a relaxing time on our day off. We even got some food at the Michigan Cafe. It's nice to have a tried and true place to go when we need a break.

Saturday, February 11, 2012


Be careful what you wish for, you might just get it. I did, in the form of pretty, white snow covering everything when I woke up.

The snow blower works like a charm and is easy and fun to use.

I cleared our walk and two neighbors'. Then my mom called and said she needed help because it was too cold for her and my dad to be outside. I was a lot tired when I was done!

The boys could have made some money today but they were in bed. Sleeping in, yes, but because they are ill. No fun snow blowing when you are coughing and feverish.

It finally looks and feels like winter and I'm glad.

Happy February!

Tuesday, February 7, 2012


I've spent a lot of time, lately, trying to figure out what my life should be like now that there are no more babies in the house. While sincerely hoping this will change in a few years when grandchildren come along, it's now I'm wondering about.

I have a few new things going on. I am learning to do limited obstetrical ultrasounds as a volunteer at the local crisis pregnancy center. I have a couple of blogs going. The issue is, I'm not really free since I still have 3 children that I'm homeschooling.

If you read my first post you know my youngest is "growing up" and growing ever more independent. So I have time on my hands. I'm not a sitter. Ask my kids. If I sit, I sleep!

I need to be busy in a productive way but also not the same things I've been doing for years. All of those jobs are still getting done but, I'm yearning for something new. Not sure what it will be but my heart and my arms are wide open.

Monday, February 6, 2012

Twiddling My Thumbs

Gosh, it's only February? It has been such an awesome winter. I can say this because I do not participate in winter sports. My oldest son, on the other hand, would love to be snowboarding and the other kids want to go sledding.

And, so while it's been a nice winter I have only one complaint: I want it to be May!

I want to open the windows and let the fresh air sweeten up my home. I want to see the flowers blooming and the trees budding and the grass turning green again. I want to put my coat away!

I have lots to do to keep me busy; bedrooms to clean, carpets to vacuum, laundry (oh, the laundry!) So why am I twiddling my thumbs? Because long about February I get bored doing all that stuff. I want something new and different.

I want to go to the park, ride my bike, drive with the windows down, wear my flip flops. I want to sit on the porch and read a book while the kids play. I need a change of pace.

But since it's only February, maybe I should start wishing for snow.

Sunday, February 5, 2012

My Grown Up

My husband and I have nine children, most of whom are no longer children. Our oldest is 27, our youngest is 7.

When you have nine children, it seems as though the older ones get independent without your even really noticing.

They make their own breakfast, brush their own teeth and dress themselves because you're too busy with the baby.

So what happens when the youngest suddenly starts to get independent and you're not quite ready for it?

I was in the bathroom with the youngest who was bathing. I reached into the tub to help her wash her hair. She said, rather indignantly, "I can do it myself, mom."

I gently explained to her that, as my youngest, I enjoyed helping her with little things that she could probably do by herself but I wasn't ready to give up that part of my mothering.

She smiled her gap toothed smile and said sweetly, "You're just going to have to accept it, mom. I'm growing up."

Sad tears came to my eyes but I did not let her see them. I left the room and let her wash her own hair, thankful that she is becoming independent and glad that there are still many things she needs me to do for her.