Saturday, November 23, 2013

Rifle Season 2013

For the past several years we have been beneficiaries of venison from other family members who have successfully hunted and shared their bounty with us.

This year, we hit the jackpot.  Son Josh and daughter, Amanda both had luck!  This was Amanda's first hunt, just after finishing her hunter's safety course.  She sat in the blind with her dad for several hours and only saw a few small does.

My dear one left his blind to go into the woods to help bring out the two bucks that had been shot earlier in the day.

While Amanda sat alone in the blind for a couple of hours, her frustration mounting at only seeing antlerless deer, she made a decision to shoot the next good size doe that she saw.  As my dear one was walking back to the blind to sit some more with her,  Amanda spotted the doe of choice and took her shot.  She dropped her in her tracks!  Not bad for a first timer.

The shots that my dear one heard earlier in the day were from son Josh's tree stand and from our nephew's blind. 

Josh has bagged deer before, but it's been awhile since he's been hunting due to busyness from school and ROTC.  This year he had free time and was raring to go!  He was able to shoot an 8 point buck.  But, in the process of finding it, gutting it and hauling it out, they forgot to take a pre-skinning photo. Sorry if the next photo grosses anyone out but it's the only one I have.  

The other buck that was shot was by our 13 year old nephew, Braeden.  This is not his first deer but he's still pretty proud of his 8 pointer! 

Due to all this success, I had my first try at canning venison.  Dear one, son Josh, daughter Erin and I all took turns cutting up the meat from Josh's buck (grandma and grandpa said they would take care of Amanda's).  We cooked up some of the steaks for Monday's dinner, and oh boy, was it delicious!!  
Much of it was cut into small pieces to be canned for a quick meal.  I am now  no longer a novice at cutting and canning.  All my jars (11 in all) sealed and I had fun learning.  More good eats for the winter!