I am now, officially, a former home school mom. Our tenacious one joined her sister at school this year. They ride the bus so my mornings and afternoons have gained at least 40 minutes each of not sitting in the truck fighting traffic. This afternoon the consensus was that the bus driver is awesome.
One hurdle cleared.

The college boys are still home but they sleep in, so my mornings are amazingly quiet. No more audiobooks running almost nonstop throughout the day (unless it's one I've chosen).
Two or three afternoons a week I get to watch this cutie. This is GigiMim, grand baby #2. She is 3 months old and has been known to take three-hour long afternoon naps. Lucky grandma. During one of those naps I may or may not have slept the entire time she did. (It was amazing.)
Our oldest grandchild (I call him Bubby) became a big brother this summer. Here he watches over his baby brother while also watching either Wild Kratts or Daniel Tiger. I told their mom before she knows it they'll be sharing a show and a bowl of popcorn!
In October, I will have all three kiddos. Everyone tends to freak out a little when I say that. Not only have I done this before (I'm a pro) but it will only be for two hours, 1 or 2 days a week depending on Caitlyn's work schedule. My Bubby is a great helper so I'm sure we will be fine.
I have also embarked on a new adventure. You'll have to come back for more blog updates since I'm not quite ready to go public with it yet.
Please send up a prayer for our tenacious one. It's going to be quite a transition for her, but she is up for the challenge.