Thirty-three years ago we said "I do" and, wow, did God have plans for us. All the glory goes to Him, though I do claim some bragging rights as mom. We have been blessed with 11 children, (9 on earth and 2 we're waiting to meet in Heaven) and, so far, 1 grandson.
Before I start my bragging about their accomplishments, I have to start with the type of people they are: funny, smart (brilliant?), helpful, loving, and kind are words that comes to mind. They truly care about and love to spend time with each other. That caring spills out into the world as they take on the vocations God has assigned them.
Our eldest daughter, Liz, is a psychologist who specializes in Selective Mutism. She and her hubby, Jim made us grandparents.

Caitlyn is a nurse whose specializations are in-patient comfort care/hospice and in-patient chemotherapy. This is one nurse whose 'eves' are never boring!
She brought Jimmy into the family for us.
Erin and Amanda are only next to each other in this photo, not in the actual line-up. Erin is so close to being a Registered Dietitian she can see the light at the end of the tunnel. In four weeks, school will be done and she can get to work doing what she loves; helping people get healthy.
Amanda is still at the beginning of her studies for her Physical Therapy degree. Two and a half years, though, and we'll have a doctor in the house!
Josh is in the Air Force. Besides being a mechanical engineer, he is about to graduation from flight school. We are hoping when he is assigned his plane and base that he will be much closer to home. (His spot in the lineup is actually between Erin and Amanda)
Michael is our artist. He works for Wayne (doing accounting) while taking classes toward his degree in graphic design.

Joe is our most recent high school graduate. He is off to college in the fall, in the honors program, working toward his anthropology degree with a focus in ancient cultures and archeology.
This is such a typical photo of our two youngest, Hannah and our tenacious one. They are "besties". Hannah is a sophomore and "Boliv" is going into 6th grade. (She's too young for the internet so shall remain unnamed.)
Life is good and just keeps getting better. Can't wait to see what the future holds. :-)