Said activity? Chocolate bowls filled with candy or ice cream.
For two days she has been talking about making these bowls. She showed me the post and together we watched the how-to video and then she made her shopping list:
- Balloons
- Melting chocolate (Milk chocolate and white chocolate so her sister who can't have chocolate could share in the fun.)
- Candy from the Bulk Food store: Skittles, Jelly Belly jelly beans, lemon drops, and licorice bites
First melt the chocolate and blow up the balloons. Next dip the balloons into the chocolate to cover the bottom and part way up the sides. If you tip the balloons to make 'petals' the bowls look really cool when they are done.
Put the chocolate covered balloons in the fridge to cool. When cool, pop the balloons and carefully peel them away from the chocolate. Fill the bowl with candy or ice cream.
Viola! Candy bowls. And a happy girl!