They have had quite the year with finishing school, graduating, starting jobs, Caitlyn taking her nursing boards (and passing!), Jimmy going through chemotherapy and then getting his wisdom teeth pulled, and pulling together a wedding. And pull together a wedding they did!!
Caitlyn and Jimmy were married at our parish, The Church of the Divine Child. Their vows were witnessed by our family friend Deacon Patrick Prajzner, who flew in from North Dakota to be here for their special day.
The day started early with a little breakfast and a whole lot of bobby pins and hairspray.

There was also nail polish, make up, laughter, and a few minutes of anxiety when we could not find the bride's shrug that she needed to wear in the church. There must have been too much estrogen for my dear one to handle (there were, after all, 11 females roaming the house in search of a free mirror or empty room in which to change). He decided to do something manly. He changed the shower head in our master bathroom for me! Thanks, sweetie.
We finally found the shrug (thanks to St. Anthony) and then the photographer arrived.
I wish I had had the forethought to take my camera out and capture what she was photographing but I was in awe watching her do her thing.
The ceremony was lovely! My brother John, and Jimmy's Aunt Darla both did scripture readings, my nephew, Everett read the prayers of the faithful and my sister, Connie sang Ave Maria (wow does that NOT describe what she did!) I'm not the only one who had goosebumps. So beautiful. (nope-didn't think to record that either.)
Three of Caitlyn's sisters and one brother were in the wedding party. Older sister. Liz, was her maid of honor (beside Caitlyn on the left), Erin and Amanda are next to each other on the right. On the far left is Jimmy's sister, Kayla, then friend Heather and on the far right, friend Teresa. Brother, Josh walked with Amanda.
The ladies were allowed to choose whatever style black tea length dress they liked, but they were each assigned a different shoe color to wear. (Amanda wore a boot for six weeks and did physical therapy for two weeks to strengthen her right ankle enough to wear those orange shoes!!)
The guys' ties matched their walking partner's shoes. The girls also had nail polish that matched their shoes.
and Dr. Who high tops.
There was, of course, the father-daughter dance.
The food was delicious, the company wonderful and the memories made, beyond compare.
One of the highlights of the day and evening was that both my mom and my dad were there; a huge miracle for which I am eternally grateful.
Caitlyn's younger sisters, while not in the wedding party or assigned any role other than "sisters of the bride", had the time of their lives dancing the night away. They danced with shy cousins who had to be dragged onto the floor. They danced with Caitlyn's friends (male and female who were dear enough to indulge them.) They learned to spin and dip, they slow danced and fast danced, and then they slept like rocks. It was not a night any of us will soon forget.
The best part is, we have 8 children and 16 nieces and nephew who are still single, so we will likely get to do this many more times in the coming years.
Wishing countless blessings and many happy years to Jim and Caitlyn Beam.